Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tim Russert Sucked; His Son Sucks

I didn't think that I could hate Tim Russert any any more than I did when he lived. He really screwed me by dying, which prompted my beloved cable news broadcasts -- which he constantly ruined during the few hours that he appeared on them -- to render themselves unwatchable 24 hours a day for some days as supposed reporters and hosts embarrassed themselves with over-the-top tributes to the repulsively fleshy-faced twit. Could anything possibly be worse than the hagio-auto-biography ostensibly about his father, "Big Rus"? Well, yes: all the cable news post-life interminable sendoffs to him and his wretched volume.

Keith Olberman's on-air salute stood out as the worst, even worse than Russert's kids' eulogy signoff, "Go Bills." The payoff for me: the truly great Chris Matthews just got bumped up, and may replace Russert (whom all the talking heads keep telling us -- falsely -- is irreplaceable). Though Matthews has joined in this unctuous circus, I choose to believe that he has no choice if he hopes to take the dead guy's chair. Another bonus to me: with Russert gone, Olberman's now the worst on cable newstalk.

On a happy note: nearly 100% of the people to whom I've broached the subject have no idea who "Tim Russert" is. I believe that Tom Brokow is lying in his eulogy when he claims that a freaking construction working stopped him with tears in his eyes, lamenting that "he was one of us." No construction working knows the name Tim Russert! That makes for just one reason why his parent network MSNBC could not be more wrong for broadcasting his 1.5 funeral LIVE, plus late-night full-length repeats, nor for turning over regular programming (Olberman's awful show, Matthews' otherwise awesome show, the middling Morning Joe) to Russert deifications.

The death of a journalist does not equal news, especially a dippy phoney baloney like Tim Russsert. His rival, Chris Matthews, is the real deal, but even his death will not constitute stop-the-presses news.


Paul Hue said...

Dammit, one of my heroes, Tom Sowell, even liked the guy. Could I have been wrong?

Anonymous said...

Tim who?!?!? I never watched the guy ... I have no respect for anything that comes out of someone's mouth who obviously has no self-control at the dinner table.

He was - IMHO - a waste of space ... and the fact that the world is mourning him, along with more than his 15 minutes, makes me want to puke!

Fuck off and die Russert! Oh, thank you, you did.